Hello everyone! my report book was out today! and the results were not that bad though :) im still grateful of what i have got :) THANK GOD! and the rest days before the school starts, i think im going to spend them all by watching dvds. and giving a bit attention to my writing skill. lol i dont know, i have been wanting to improve my writing skill since like forever, but i haven't found my appropiate time yet because of that really tiring routinity called "school" that almost confiscated my whole time. So i guess this time it really is, enjoying holiday by making a really good essay would be fun! :D
Then again, i need to be more serious on my piano lesson. This december before new year comes, i'm gonna take my second piano concert after the first one i did last year. And i guess, this time i'm gonna play "River Flows In You" by Yiruma, or what the popular song title known as "Bella's Lullaby". Yes, the song that you've probably ever heard on Twilight. I've been loving that song since i heard it on that movie. And now, i just cant believe i'm going to play it in front of everybody. Hah, i wish i could give the best! :-) teehee bismillah! wish me luck people :)
I guess those activities i've told you above are going to be spent the most during my year-end holiday. Whoaaa finally!!! finally i got my day(s) off! i should be saying goodbye to school for a while, even tough after the holidays end, i know i need to catch up everything to get my future university for my better life. Yeah, life is hard. Everything needs a struggle to achieve. :-)
And i think that's all enough. Once again, happy holiday! merry christmas! happy new year! see you again next year :D.
Rizqa Octavira :)